Suella Braverman rages new migration figures today are a slap in the face

Suella Braverman receives warm reception at Express party

Suella Braverman has savaged the Conservative Goverment this afternoon after figures out this morning showed record migration statistics for a second year running.

The former Home Secretary compared the last two years-worth of net migration flowing into the UK to the population equiviant of Birmingham, demanding to know “when do we say: enough is enough?”

Ms Braverman raged at the pressure the additional 672,000 residents will place on housing, the NHS, schools wages and community cohesion, branding the influx “unsustainable”.

Despite running the Home Office for the last year, Ms Braverman said today’s record numbers “are a slap in the face to the British public”.

“We were elected on a pledge to reduce net migration, which was 229,000 in 2019.

“Today’s record numbers are a slap in the face to the British public who have voted to control and reduce migration at every opportunity.

“We must act now to reduce migration to sustainable levels.”

Ms Braverman claims that as Home Secretary, she pushed for a number of new migration controls to be implemented, with the implication that No. 10 and other departments slapped her down.

Among the radical post-Brexit policies she wants to see used, she has demanded:

  • An annual cap on net migration
  • Raising the salary threshold to £45,000
  • Closing the graduate visa route
  • Capping health & social care visas
  • Limiting dependents on all visas

Ms Braverman’s furious intervention adds to the chorus of outraged right wing Tories who have responded to this morning’s announcement.

One Tory MP told the Express: “This. Cannot. Continue. No one has ever voted for this. This is migration on a scale this country has never witnessed before”.


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